Holy Land Gifts will be visiting our parish the weekend of October 26-27 to sell their olive wood gifts to aid the dire Christian situation in the Holy Land. Olive wood carvings are made in home workshops by Catholic families in the city of Bethlehem who rely on their sales to pilgrims and tourists as their main source of income. Click for details.
Notre Dame Hospice, is looking for volunteers to serve in all parishes. Volunteers can provide caregiver relief, companionship, run errands, play music, take a meal to patient, read to or pray with the patient. Volunteers can also help with activities and special events. Any talent that you have may be useful. Click for details.
St. Matthew's Knights of Columbus and SMA's Disability Ministry are hosting a Sensory-Friendly mass that will include softer music and dimmer lighting. Bring materials that can assist with comfort during the liturgy: noise-canceling headphones, alternative seating, fidgets, etc.
Join Deacon Larry and Andi Oney for a transformative day of encounter, exhortation, impartation, and healing, so that we can go forth as joyful missionary disciples of Jesus under the anointing by the power of the Holy Spirit! Click for details.
Our Solemn Mass, honoring our two parish patrons, St. Faustina and St. John Paul II, and the Mercy of God has been cancelled for this year. We look forward to having this special Mass next year!
Join us for Divine Mercy's Adult Faith Formation Fall 2024 Book Study, "Personal Prayer: A Guide for Receiving the Father's Love" by Fr. Thomas Acklin, OSB & Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB. This is an informal study- come to some of our gatherings or come to all Click for details and to register.
The Archdiocesan Commission on Persons with Disabilities welcome all to attend the workshop entitled "From Inclusion to Belonging" on Sat., Nov. 2 from 8:30a - 3:00pm at St. Matthew the Apostle. Charleen Katra, Executive Director of the National Catholic Partnership on Disability, shares best practices that will transform faith communities into places of belonging for all.
All invited to attend the 20th Anniversary Mass of God’s Special Children on Sunday, September 29th at St. Francis Xavier Church at 2:00 PM. Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Aymond and there will be a reception following Mass hosted by the SFX Knights of Columbus and the Daughters of Isabella.
Our parish is collecting monetary gifts for the annual Council of Catholic School Co-Operative Clubs "CCSCC" Clothe-A-Child Campaign which provides gifts of newly purchased clothes for underprivileged children in the New Orleans area. Click for details and to donate.
The Legion of Mary will hold a membership invitation after all masses on Sept 28th and 29th. Join us in the Narthex to answer questions and share rosaries, Miraculous Medals, and prayer cards.
There is forgiveness, hope and peace after abortion. If you or someone you love is hurting from abortion or miscarriage, we can help. Please consider attending this faith-based, healing retreat held Nov 1-3. Click for details.
Sign Up for one of our 2-hour volunteer time slots for the Divine Mercy Parish Ministry Welcome Table at the Seafood Festival, held October 4-6. Click for details.
Click for details on three exciting events and opportunities from the Archdiocesan Spirituality Center, including "Companions Along the Way", "Internship in Spiritual Direction", and "Faith Companioning".
The Beginning Experience Weekend on October 25-27, 2024 transforms lives and has helped thousands navigate the road through grief to healing. Though life may never be the same, it can be good again. One weekend... all the difference. Click for details.
The Annulment Ministry of the Archdiocese of New Orleans will offer a writing workshop for persons seeking an annulment in the Catholic Church or for persons responding to an annulment. Click for details.
Thank you to our Knights of Columbus chapter who generously donated $10,000 to our parish. We cannot thank you enough for your hard work and giving spirit in our community!
You are cordially invited to the Missionaries of St. Therese Rose Petal Luncheon Social on Thu Oct 17th at St. Dominic's Knights of Columbus Hall. Doors open at 11am. Reservations are required and will be held at the door. Click for details and Registration.
Teen Confirmation registration is now open for teens who are in their junior or senior year in high school. All those to be confirmed next spring must attend our Confirmation Preparation program, which begins in January. Registration closes Sun, Dec 15th. Click for details and to register.