Companions Along the Way (Virtual) Begins Nov. 6
In what ways do our prayer and our lived experiences intersect? How do we become more aware of the Holy Spirit moving and guiding us? Together in prayer and faith we will share the stories of our everyday lives. Sifting through the stories and circumstances of our life/world enables us to see everything through the eyes of faith. We all benefit, and blessings come to light when we have companions along the way. Come and join us!
Mondays: 6:30-8:00:00pm Nov. 6, Dec. 4, 2023 Jan. 8, Feb. 5, March 4 April 8, May 6. 2024 (Monthly)
Presenter: ASC Associate Director Jeanne Burmaster
Donation: $40.00 for entire course (Adjustments can be made.)
Register on the web: Email: [email protected] or call (504) 861-3254
Faith Companioning (In-person) Begins Nov. 9
A Faith Companion is a person skilled in spiritual conversation through faith, listening skills, shared prayer and faith sharing. A Faith Companion accompanies another in spiritual friendship. If you are a person of faith and prayer; have an on-going spiritual conversation with another Christian/Group and can commit to the entire program this course will enrich your ministry with others in your parish, school, home visitation, RCIA, hospitals, prayer groups or informal “coffee cup” faith sharing.
Instructors: Archdiocesan Spirituality Center Staff Members: Ann LaBauve, and Karen Tobin
St. Catherine of Siena Parish, 105 Bonnabel Blvd., Metairie, 1:00-4:00pm on the following dates:
Nov. Thursday 9 & 30, Dec. Thursday, Dec. 7 & Wed. Dec. 20, Jan. 2024, Thursday, Jan. 11 & Wednesday, Jan. 17 & 31 Donation:$125.00 (adjustments can be made) Register on the web:, email: [email protected] or telephone (504) 861-3254
Spiritual Direction Formation Program Informational Meeting (Virtual)
Is God inviting you to the ministry of Spiritual Direction?
If you have a desire to be formed in the ministry of spiritual direction, please come and learn the process, prerequisites and structure of the two-year internship offered by the Archdiocesan Spirituality Center. Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023, 10am or 6pm. Facilitated by Internship Instructor, Mike Van Vranken. To register on the web:[email protected] or telephone (504) 861-3254.
Archdiocesan Spirituality Center Advent Retreat in Daily Life (Virtual) Begins Dec. 3
Would you like to begin your Advent journey with an at home retreat? Perhaps you would like to deepen your relationship with God and experience praying with scripture during this sacred time. This retreat is for experienced prayers and those just beginning in prayer. If God is nudging you about beginning spiritual direction, the Advent Retreat is a wonderful opportunity to experience what spiritual direction is. Attend a virtual opening group session; spend time in personal prayer with Scripture for approximately 30 minutes each day; meet with a trained spiritual director weekly during the retreat (private session). Virtual opening Sunday, December 3, 2:00pm – virtual closing Thursday, December 21, 7:00pm. Donation: $40.00 (Adjustments can be made.) To register on the web: email:[email protected] or telephone (504) 861-3254.