St. Agnes Church in Old Jefferson is having a Lenten Mission beginning Monday, March 22 thru Thursday, March 25 at 7:00pm. Their guest speaker this year is Fr. Simeon Gallagher.
Fr. Gallagher is Director of the Preaching Ministry Office of the Mid-America Province of the Capuchin Order. He conducts retreats, parish development programs, parish missions, and religious education workshops. His association with the Emmaus Spirituality Program for Priests has gained him an international reputation in conducting retreats for priests. His work has taken him to Central America. He was instrumental in founding Emmaus in Great Britain. He has presented ecumenical lectures at the Jean XXIII Centre, Geneva, Switzerland. For the past several years he has worked closely with the US Armed Forces at various military bases around the world. He recently returned from engagements in Asia and Australia.
The theme for the mission is “The Freedom to Believe: Becoming an Adult Catholic"
This Mission will consider the great challenge of growth in Faith as Cardinal J. H. Newman once said: “The only evidence of life is growth.” This principle must be applied to all levels of life including the Faith-Life. Using the insights of the Scriptures, Twelve-Step Recovery programs and the writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola this theme of Freedom and Growth will be explored.