The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic Catholic Lay Organization in the world with over 3 million active members. The object of the Legion of Mary is the sanctification of its members through Spiritual Works of Mercy. Members become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and service. Works include parishioner visitation, visitation of the sick or aged, and meeting the other spiritual needs of the parish community. The Legion is, in essence, an extension of the heart and hands of the pastor.
In thanksgiving for all the Lord has done for you, is there something you can give Him in return? Is Mary calling you to her Legion?
Will you answer the call?
Our Praesidium holds weekly meetings every Monday at 6 PM in the PCC. The meeting includes praying the Rosary. We have active members who attend the weekly meetings. We also have non-active members (called auxiliaries) who do not attend the weekly meetings but pray for the success of the work of the Praesidium.
Frank Raab
[email protected]
The Legion of Mary was founded in Dublin, Ireland over 92 years ago by Frank Duff. Today, there are about 3 million members worldwide, making the Legion the largest organization of lay people in the Catholic Church. It is an organization located in almost every country. The Legion has been active in the United States since 1931 and has been approved by the last 6 Popes and was supported by the Second Vatican Council. The Legion has been in existence in New Orleans for over 50 years.
The goal of the Legion of Mary is to give glory to God through the holiness of its members. How is the holiness developed? It is developed by prayer and active participation in the work of the Blessed Mother Mary and the Church.
The Legion of Mary here in Divine Mercy Parish is called Our Lady of the Lake Praesidium. The Praesidium was officially formed in 2003 as a ministry in St. Elizabeth A. Seton Parish. The new Praesidium chose the name “Our Lady of the Lake”. In 2009, when St. Elizabeth A. Seton Parish and Nativity of Our Lord Parish were combined into Divine Mercy Parish, Our Lady of the Lake Praesidium became a ministry in Divine Mercy Parish. Praesidium is the Latin word for a group of soldiers. In the Legion of Mary, members are soldiers working for Mary. We see as a priority the spiritual and social needs of each person. Our members participate in the life of Divine Mercy Parish by visiting families, the sick, both in their homes and in hospitals, and by participating in every spiritual undertaking sponsored by the parish.
There is a handbook used by the Legion of Mary. The following words are taken from the handbook and represent what is in the hearts of members of the Legion: The words read: “Through me, Mary, our Blessed Mother, desires to love Jesus in the hearts of all those whom I can set on fire with love as the result of my work and my prayers. If I really identify myself with the Blessed Mother, she will give me so much of her graces and her love that I will in turn pass grace and love to the souls of others.”