All Liturgical celebrations, especially the celebration of the Eucharistic Liturgy, are celebrations of the whole Church. They are not private functions. The Church is the “sacrament of unity: the holy people united and arranged under their bishops. Therefore, liturgical services pertain to the whole Body of the Church”. (CSL 26)
In the midst of this Body, there are individual ministries who serve all the faithful by executing different functions. These functions are integral and necessary parts for the liturgy to be performed in a dignified and reverend manner, and for respecting the nature, shape, and dynamic of liturgy. These ministries may include:
At Divine Mercy Catholic Church, these liturgical ministries strive to be modeled after the example of service of Jesus Christ in the Washing of the Disciple’s feet at the Last Supper. (John 13: 1-15). Serving at the Liturgy is an act of self-giving, not self-seeking; an act of love that must be continued in the ordinary of our lives for the glory of God. Therefore, “The faithful should not refuse to serve the People of God in gladness whenever they are asked to perform some particular service or function in the liturgical celebration.” (GIRM 97)
Do you feel called to participate more fully in the Mass as a liturgical minister? We always welcome new disciples to serve Christ and our parish in this vital ministry!