The Master of Ceremonies (MC) assists our Priests in all liturgical celebrations. The MC plays a vital role in the liturgical celebration by assuring all clerical and lay ministries are in attendance and prepared to enter into the solemnity of the liturgical celebration.
The MC should be male, fully initiated in the Catholic Church, and leading a sacramental life. Ideally such a person would have been familiar with altar serving and have a deep desire to serve at the Altar. He should be willing to become familiar with all the ceremonial rites of the Church.
The primary role of the Master of Ceremonies (MC) is to assist in organizing the Mass and directing all liturgical movement so it flows with the proper decorum. This is a vibrant, exciting, and rewarding ministry. MC’s commit to one weekend Mass and an occasional meeting or weeknight Mass for special celebrations or feast days. MC’s are required to have organizational skills, be able to give and take directions, and work well with children (Altar Servers.)
Fr. Austin Barr
504-466-5016 x5216
[email protected]
Coordinator: Ray Barrilleaux
[email protected]