The members of the Music Ministry of Divine Mercy Parish encourage the assembly in song and enhance the prayer life of the community through the beauty and joy of music.
The Cantor Ministry consists of a small group of talented singers who individually lead the sung worship for Mass when there is no choir present. A cantor leads and sustains the singing of the assembly during the liturgy and can also act as a soloist during the singing of the psalm, and the intoning of parts of the Eucharistic acclamations and other parts of the Mass (like the litany during the Breaking of the Bread, or the Kyrie).
A cantor at Divine Mercy Church is required to be a talented vocalist, well prepared for their appointed Mass, have a good sense of flow in the liturgy, possess a clear speaking voice, and exhibit proper poise and presence in this role of leadership.
The Choirs of Divine Mercy Church endeavor to beautify, enhance and promote greater worship of the assembled community by fostering “active participation of the laity” through the singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. They are firmly committed to upholding the rich traditions of Church choral music throughout history, with a repertoire that runs the gamut from Gregorian Chant to modern compositions.
The playing of bells in the church has a long and glorious tradition. Whether small handheld bells or huge cast bells in the bell tower of a great cathedral, bells have often been sounded for a variety of liturgical purposes. Handbells enrich congregational singing and the Mass. The Divine Mercy Handbell choir ministers at select seasonal liturgies and special events.
Divine Mercy has a variety of music styles from traditional to contemporary that enriches our liturgies. There is a choir at the Saturday 7:00 pm Spanish Mass & at the 10:30 am Sunday Mass, as well as the 6:00 pm Mass. Music ministers are welcome to sing at any Mass. Anyone interested in joining can contact our director of Sacred Music, Garrett Fried.
Garrett Fried, Director of Sacred Music
[email protected]
(504) 296-6089