The beautiful poinsettias and greenery that adorn our altar and sanctuary are a special part of the celebration of Christmas at Divine Mercy Parish. We invite all parishioners to share in the experience through a memorial or thanksgiving gift by using the Christmas Flowers Memorial Envelopes found on the table in the narthex of Church and on the tables at each of the side entrances. Donations toward the cost of Christmas decorations in the Church may be made in memory or honor of your family members and friends. This is a wonderful way to remember loved ones, honor friends, and offer thanksgiving to God for prayers answered and blessings received during this past year. The suggested donation is $10.00 per remembrance. Please place your envelopes in the collection basket or bring it to the Parish Office. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Memorial Envelopes will be placed near the altar throughout the Christmas Season. Remembrances may also be submitted online by CLICKING HERE