From the Office of the Pastor of Divine Mercy Parish
Reverend Father Robert T. Cooper
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
The horrific and unprovoked attack on Ukraine is an act of great evil. Placing my trust in Jesus Christ, the Author and Prince of Peace, I pray for an urgent ceasefire and a withdrawal of Russian forces. The "senseless slaughter" of war ("a risk from which there is no turning back" that destroys the present and threatens the future of people) is in the words of Pope St Paul VI: “a crime against God and against humanity itself.” With peace nothing is lost, with war everything can be lost. “War is always a defeat for humanity. It is an expression of barbarism and a rather ineffective tool for resolving misunderstandings.”
In John 16:33, Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Let us embrace the fact that this world and the troubles we face in it have been overcome, and rest in the knowledge that our Lord has the power to move in any and every situation. As we watch war unfold in Ukraine, let us ask for God’s grace and peace to rule in the hearts and minds of all involved.
May all people of goodwill call for a united determination to choose the way of peace and an international resolve among all nations to secure long term agreements for stability and lasting unity. Let us join the call from our Holy Father, Pope Francis, for an International Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace on Ash Wednesday, March 2, 2022.
May the everlasting arms of the Lord hold the people of Ukraine in this time of great fear and may leaders of the world be inspired by the wisdom and courage of Christ.