Help local families in need by donating food to our St. Anthony Ministry’s Thanksgiving Basket Drive! The menu is a traditional turkey dinner, with the items needed listed below.
Beginning Tuesday, November 1st, donations can be left in the St. Anthony Food Basket in the Narthex. Please place all gift cards and financial donations in the Poor Box in the Narthex. We will use these to help purchase items as needed. All donations must be delivered to the church before Friday, November 18th by Noon. Distribution will happen on Saturday, November 19th. On behalf of Divine Mercy Staff, SEAS Staff and Students, and the St. Anthony Ministry Volunteers, we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving this year! God Bless and thank you for your generosity!
Items needed:
•Instant mashed potatoes
•Canned yams
•Canned turkey gravy
•Canned corn or peas
•Canned soups
•Tea bags
•Corn muffin or Roll mix
•Brownie or Cake mix and icing
•Canned fruit
•Instant Jell-O or pudding
•Canned pumpkin
•Pie Crust
•Cooking Oil – 1 qt
•Cranberry Sauce
•Walmart or Rouses Gift cards - $30 preferred
•Cash donations