There will be a special Second Collection taken at all the Easter Masses to assist with the various Charitable Organizations of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Thank you for your generosity as we help our friends and neighbors who are suffering due to the continuing struggles caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Solemn Easter Vigil will be celebrated on Saturday, April 3rd at 8:00 PM. On Easter Sunday, April 4th, Masses will be celebrated at 8:30AM, 10:30 AM, and 12:30PM in Spanish. There will be No 3:00PM Confessions or 6:00PM Mass on Easter Sunday.
Congratulations to Janice Vitenas and Wanda Paternostro- the recipients of the 2021 Order of St. Louis IX Medallion, for their outstanding service and commitment to both Divine Mercy Catholic Church and to the local Church in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Click for more details.
This spring, Brother Martin High School invites 5th, 6th, and 7th grade boys and girls to participate in the inaugural “The Joy of the Resurrection” essay contest. Click for details.
On March 20 and 21, the Archdiocese of New Orleans will host a very important second collection to raise funds to offset the costs of educating seminarians at Notre Dame Seminary and St. Joseph Seminary College. Click for more details.
Congratulations to Julian Estrada for being selected as the representative from Divine Mercy Parish to receive the 2021 Altar Server Award from Archbishop Aymond. Click to read more...
St. Agnes Church in Old Jefferson is having a Lenten Mission beginning Monday, March 22 thru Thursday, March 25 at 7:00pm. Their guest speaker this year is Fr. Simeon Gallagher. Click for details.
Join us for "It's Not Your Money, Finding the Peace of Putting God First," which provides a pathway to explore fresh perspectives on our relationship with money. The virtual workshop takes place on Wednesday, March 24, from 7:00 to 8:15 p.m. Click for details.
Jefferson Parish has launched an Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) to serve eligible persons who lack sufficient income or resources to pay rent due to COVID-19. CLICK HERE to view eligibility requirements and to apply. Click for details.