An important letter from Archbishop Aymond will be read at all Masses this weekend. He reminds us that the what we know today as the "obligation for Catholics to participate in Mass every Sunday" is an "invitation from God to grow in love with Him and to better know ourselves as Catholics." On June 6, the Feast of Corpus Christi, the obligation will be restored in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Archbishop Aymond encourages all of us in a special way to "consider the Lord's invitation to 'come back to the table.'" Click Here to read his letter.
Archbishop Aymond will be lifting Mass Dispensation on June 6th. We look forward to worshipping with you in person! Click for more information on our Covid-19 protocols and precautions.
Join us for a school fundraiser for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School this Wednesday, April 28th from 11am- 10pm at Reginelli's Pizzeria located at 817 W Esplanade Avenue in Kenner. 15% of each bill will be donated to the school when you mention SEAS when you order. Click for details.
Beginning Saturday, May 1st, Bilingual Confessions will move to Saturdays from 3:00PM – 3:45PM. Bilingual Confessions on Sundays from 3:00PM - 4:00PM will be discontinued
Public recitation of the Holy Spirit Novena will be led by the Legion of Mary following all weekday Mass: Friday, May 14th and Monday, May 17th – Friday, May 21st.
Get ready for Vacation Bible School 2021! This summer we have 2 VBS options to choose from: In-person (Monday, July 12th-Friday, July 16th) and At-Home/Virtual Program (on your schedule). Click for details.
The Prayer Blankets will be blessed on the Weekend of May 1st/2nd at the 4 PM Mass. All parishioners are asked to pray for the recipients but we ask that you do not touch or take any of the prayer blankets. To request a prayer blanket Contact Meryl Rooney at (504) 472-4383.
Many thanks to the Footprints for Life Program, founded by Natasia Kissinger, the St. Anthony Ministry and Culture of Life Committee of Divine Mercy who gathered and assembled over 100 care packages which will be distributed to the homeless through the Harry Thompson Center. Click here for more information.
On Saturday, April 17 at 11 am, Archbishop Aymond will celebrate a prayer service to officially welcome the “Angels Unawares” statue to New Orleans. The 3-ton, 20 foot bronze statue will be on display and open to the public to visit on the grounds of Notre Dame Seminary through May 21. Click for details.