Divine Mercy Parish has completed the Walking With Moms In Need Initiative set forth from the USCCB. This increase in preparedness will help us better journey with mothers by connecting them to necessary spiritual and physical resources available in our local community. Click for details.
The Missionaries of St. Therese is celebrating its 75+ year anniversary this October with a special Mass to be celebrated by Archbishop Aymond on October 1st and a Rose Petal Luncheon Social also to be attended by Archbishop Aymond on October 13th. Click for details.
We will have our usual Mass schedule back starting this weekend (Sept 11th & 12th) as well as restart our Saturday 3pm Confessions. The Parish Office will be open beginning Monday, Sept 13th. Please know that you are in our prayers and that we are here for you as we begin the recovery efforts in our community. Click for details.