We often look at the world that doesn’t make sense and wonder what’s going on. After the tragedy in Covington, we find ourselves in one of life’s darkest times. And so the question that you might be asking yourself and I am indeed asking myself, “Where is God in all of this?” (Continue Reading)
The word “advent” comes from the Latin term adventus, literally meaning “coming to.” The four weeks of the season of Advent before Christmas create a unique season of hope-filled preparation for all of us in the Catholic Christian community — although it can easily be missed by society at large as simply an extended, early celebration of Christmas. True enough, Christ has come, and we should rejoice in His Incarnation every day of our lives. But Advent gives us all time for a prayerful “retelling” of the story of the “Hope of Israel.” We prepare ourselves for the commemoration of Christ’s coming in history in Bethlehem, His coming in mystery each day in the Church and the Sacraments, and His coming in majesty at the end of time.
Divine Mercy's Altar Auxiliary will once again host their Christmas King Cake Sale after all Masses the Weekend of December 3rd and 4th. Click to read more!
Help us provide gifts and food for children, the elderly, and families who are in need this Christmas by taking home an Angel from our Angel Tree in the Narthex. Click for details.
The hauntingly talented novelist Flannery O’Connor died at the age of 39 in 1964. After her death, a journal she kept at age 21 was published. A journal entry referred to the slim crescent of the moon, the time during which we only see a sliver of the moon as it moves around the Earth. O’Connor poetically describes this phase as the shadow of the Earth blocking her from seeing the entire moon. This entry reflects her fear that her ego will be an all-consuming shadow, blocking light and good from entering her life.
The Lord said, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us” And I said “Here am I; send me. There is an oath that anyone entering any branch of the military takes. It is the beginning of a long road to becoming a veteran. “I, John Doe, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me according to regulation and the uniform code of military justice, SO HELP ME GOD."
The Office of Marriage and Family Life is pleased to announce that the annual Silver Wedding Anniversary Celebration will be held on Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Church, New Orleans. Click for details, including important registration deadline information.
Dear Parishioners, As we celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week (November 6-12), it is inspiring to contemplate that God, our Creator, knows each of us personally and has a plan for our lives. The most important calling we have is to our vocation: marriage, the priesthood, consecrated life, diaconate, or some other path. To my dear friends in Christ discerning their vocation, I encourage you to focus on using your talents at the service of the Lord to become more like Him and bring Him to others. If you live more closely to Our Lord, in prayer and service, His will for your life will become clearer...
Please join us in welcoming Simon Peter Kagimu to Divine Mercy Parish! We will serve as his home church for the remainder of his time in seminary formation. Click for details.