A great joy in my work as a priest is preparing young people for the reception of the sacraments. During a Confirmation session with a senior, we discussed how he was feeling about current events, from the pandemic consuming almost two years of his high school life, to the war and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, to being the son of a police officer in light of stories in the news. I asked him which gift of the Holy Spirit he could use the most right now. Without hesitation, he replied, “Definitely wonder and awe. It’s all so overwhelming that it is hard to feel grounded, but I know I need God in my life.”
Do you ever wonder if you are truly growing in the spiritual life and what this progress looks like? Join us for our brand-new Summer Book Club! Click for details.
Retrouvaille is a program designed to provide help and support to married couples who are undergoing difficulties in their relationship. Click for details.
Join Divine Mercy's Sociable Seniors for bingo and dessert every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 12pm (Noon) to 2pm in the Parish Community Center (PCC). Membership is opened to men and women 50 years of age and above. Click for details.
Easter isn’t an event to recognize but a daily reality to live by. When Jesus suffered and died on the cross and rose from a borrowed tomb, He proclaimed the dawn of a new world for mankind — one no longer ruled by the curse of sin. By taking on sin for our sake, Jesus took away the punishment we deserved for our rebellion against God. In return, Jesus gave us His perfect righteousness and eternal life in relationship with the Father.
The Easter season—beginning on Easter Sunday and continuing for 50 days—is an opportunity for us to cultivate a spirit that defines who we are as Christians. So, what does living the spirit of the Easter season mean in practical terms? Here are three concrete suggestions...
The entire Divine Mercy Parish community, most especially our St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School families and staff, wish a happy and blessed retirement to Mrs. Kathy Del Rio who currently serves as our Assistant Principal at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School. Click for details.
Our St. Anthony Ministry to the Needy’s Food Pantry is in need of donations! Click for details and what items are needed to help our local families in need.
"As you know, the respect for human life, especially for our sisters and brothers in the womb, is of the utmost concern for Catholics in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. At the same time, caring for the less fortunate, including pregnant mothers in need, is integral to living out the "Gospel of Life"..." (click to continue reading)
The Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops invites you to attend Faithful Citizenship Day at the Louisiana State Capitol on May 18. The goal is to continue to educate and engage Catholics on Catholic Social Teaching and legislation, LCCB positions, and to develop relationships with each other and legislators. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Click for details.
Are you sensing you may be called to become a Deacon? Click to find out more about helpful resources, formation groups, informal gatherings, and information for wives on the discernment process.
Dear Moms, The blogger Elizabeth Duffy once wrote: “If motherhood is hard at times, it’s probably because it allows us, without going terribly far out of our way, to mimic Christ.” It is a great benefit in acknowledging that we can unite motherhood―whatever it looks like, physical or spiritual―with Jesus’ sacrifice for us. Motherhood is, in fact, a Cross, and not just a Cross, but for those who are women, the sweetest Cross, the sweetest suffering...
Louisiana needs to be ultimately prepared for a “post-roe” reality now even if Roe v. Wade is not overturned. This Post-Roe Louisiana Summit is intended to bring pro-life leaders, ministers, organizers, and everyday activists together in education, discussion, planning, and unity ahead of the monumental Supreme Court decision. Click for details.
What would happen if tens or hundreds of MILLIONS of Americans prayed for an end to abortion? Join us and the entire Archdiocese of New Orleans for the Mass for Life Mass for Life on Friday, June 10, 2022 at St. Dominic Church. Click for details.