The Divine Mercy clergy, staff, and parishioners wish Antoinette Silver, our Parish Secretary & Director of Parish Operations, a happy and blessed retirement. Antoinette has faithfully served our parish since April 18th, 2018. She will be finishing her time working in the Catholic Church on March 1st, 2024 after nearly 30 years of service. Click for details.
Join the Sociable Seniors for a day of Easter-themed Arts & Crafts on Thursday, March 14 at 11:00 AM at the Parish Community Center. Sign up is required- space is limited! Click for details.
A Tour of the Relics of St. Jude the Apostle is coming to St. Benilde Church (1901 Division Street) on Monday, March 11. Viewing of the relic will begin at 2:00 PM in the Church with veneration ending at 10:00 PM. Click for details.
Donations toward the cost of Easter flowers in the Church may be made in memory or honor of your family members and friends. This is a wonderful way to remember loved ones, honor friends, and offer thanksgiving to God for prayers answered and blessings received. Click for details or to create a remembrance gift.
We will be honoring couples who will be celebrating 25 and 50 years of Sacramental Marriage in the Church anytime during the 2024 calendar year on Saturday, June 22nd at the 4pm Mass. Couples MUST complete the form (click here) to be included. The deadline to complete this form is Friday, April 5th.
Our parish will now have Confessions available every Wednesday from 5–6PM beginning Feb 21st. This new time will be in addition to our other opportunities for Confession: Saturdays from 3-3:45pm, 1st Saturdays of the month from 7:30-8am, or by Appointment (504) 466-5016.