This year, 2022, the Pontifical Mission Societies (TPMS) celebrate the 200th anniversary of our founding by Blessed Pauline Marie Jaricot, a young woman, living in early 19th century France. Learn more about the history of the Pope's four mission societies, and how each helps him in his outreach to the Missions in unique ways.
With the month of October comes a special reminder that we are a Missionary Church by nature. We have been “sent” by Jesus, by virtue of our Baptism, to the whole world to preach the “Good News” (MK.16:15). Of course, we know that many of us cannot set out personally to distant lands, and yet, we still want to fulfill the Lord’s mandate.
The document “Ad Gentes,” which was promulgated by the Second Vatican Council, reminds all Christians that we share one Mission. Out of love for Christ and the Gospel, we dedicate the month of October as the Month of “The Missions” so that in a special way we can assist those who are laboring in the foreign fields of the developing countries of the world as they bring the “Good News” to our brothers and sisters in distant lands. Like ourselves, they need to hear that God loves them and is present to them in their struggles.
On the third Sunday of October, the Church celebrates World Mission Sunday. This is the one Sunday of the year when Catholics worldwide pray and sacrifice for missionaries in over 1,150 mission territories who depend on this support in order to share the message of the Gospel. This essential observance is a time for us to be inspired by the heroes of our church who serve God's beloved children in places of poverty, injustice, even outright persecution. The priests, religious, and lay missionary groups make it possible for the most needy to encounter Christ, the sacraments, and the living Word of God, and thereby to live in hope of heaven.
In a recent address, Pope Francis summarizes well the direction on which we must stay: "The church — I repeat again — is not a relief organization, ... but a community of people, animated by the Holy Spirit, who have lived and are living the wonder of the encounter with Jesus Christ and want to share this experience of deep joy, the message of salvation that the Lord gave us. It is the Holy Spirit that guides the church in this path."
At a time when the needs in the missions have grown substantially and the urgency of the cry of the poor is all the more pronounced, I ask for the gift of your generosity. Jesus commissioned His apostles and told them, "As the Father has sent me, so I send you" (John 20:21). That is the eternal challenge and privilege of all the church's servants and all the faithful. Let us pray that this year World Mission Sunday will touch each of us deeply, and that we will be united in providing true assistance where it is needed most, for the sake of Christ! I thank you in advance for your serious and generous response to the needs of others, and I ask that you please be generous to the special collection for World Mission Sunday. It is one way that we can help Pope Francis in his efforts to assist missionaries throughout the world. Remember, God is never outdone in generosity. What you give to His work will certainly be amply rewarded by our heavenly Father.
~ Fr. Robert T. Cooper, Pastor